Not really a blog.

This space includes unedited crap dropped from my brian. Half ideas, unfinished to-do lists peoples names I want to remember and crappy ideas. I'm just a google whore so I'll take all the keyword hits I can get, and who knows, you might find something you can use here.

I have two other blogs you can read that are at least partially more baked.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Crazy Loves Creepy!

If you suffer from Creepy Guy Syndrome (as I do) be careful- you know that girl who is in to you? She is bat-shit crazy. How do I know this? Because Creepy attracts Crazy like cheese attracts mice.

This is known as the 'Law of Crazy loves Creepy'. 

To avoid these problems work on decreepifying yourself and learn to recognize Crazy. Decreepification is a difficult task for many men, it involves learning to make eye contact (not with the boobs- the eyes), learning how to say things that are contextually appropriate(and witty if possible) and mastering the art of expressing interest without giving the impression that you are going to climb a tree outside of her bedroom window later that evening.

The inverse law is also true; Creepy loves Crazy. So if you're mentally unstable your best bet (outside of professional mental health care) is to head straight toward the creepiest guy in the bar- he's been waiting for you.

Just a disclaimer here- I know that there are crazy men and creepy women, but I don't think the law applies to theses rare birds. So the law might better be named 'Crazy Women Love Creepy Men and Vice Versa), but I like my shorter version better.

Of course we all know none of this will end well, but it can be a fun ride if taken on with the right attitude.